
Roosevelt: Building Permits | Variances | Radius Maps

Roosevelt: Building Permits | Variances | Radius Maps

The Roosevelt City Planning & Zoning Commission oversees building permits, variances, and radius maps in Roosevelt. With a commitment to promoting the health, safety, and welfare of residents, the commission handles a range of applications, including lot line adjustments, master site plans, conditional use permits, and zoning map amendments. To meet with the Planning and Zoning Board, citizens must submit an application 14 days prior to the requested meeting date.

For quick and efficient assistance in obtaining building permits, variances, maps, and Certificate of Occupancy in Roosevelt, turn to TracisPermits.com. With fast service on Long Island, they can help you navigate the process hassle-free. Contact them at 631-492-0927 or visit their website for more information.

Key Takeaways:

  • Building permits, variances, and radius maps in Roosevelt are overseen by the City Planning & Zoning Commission.
  • The commission handles various applications, including lot line adjustments, master site plans, and zoning map amendments.
  • To meet with the Planning and Zoning Board, citizens must submit an application 14 days in advance.
  • TracisPermits.com offers fast service for obtaining necessary permits and documents in Roosevelt.
  • Contact TracisPermits.com at 631-492-0927 for assistance with building permits, variances, maps, and Certificate of Occupancy.

Roosevelt City Planning and Zoning Department’s Objectives

The Roosevelt City Planning and Zoning Department plays a vital role in ensuring the health, safety, and prosperity of Roosevelt City and its residents. With a focus on land use classification, tax base protection, and urban development protection, the department is committed to creating a well-planned and sustainable city.

One of the key objectives of the department is to establish and enforce health and safety regulations. These regulations ensure that buildings and structures meet the required standards for structural integrity, fire safety, and accessibility. By implementing and enforcing these regulations, the department aims to create a safe and secure environment for the community.

Another important objective of the department is to classify land use effectively. By carefully zoning different areas of the city for residential, commercial, industrial, and recreational purposes, the department ensures the smooth and efficient functioning of the city. This classification helps in preserving the quality of life for residents, maintaining a balanced tax base, and promoting sustainable development.

The department is also responsible for protecting urban development and ensuring its compatibility with the overall city plan. By reviewing development proposals, conducting environmental impact assessments, and considering the long-term implications of urban development, the department ensures that new projects contribute positively to the city’s growth and enhance its overall aesthetic appeal.

Table: Roosevelt City Planning and Zoning Department Objectives

Objective Description
Health and Safety Regulations Establish and enforce regulations to ensure the safety and well-being of residents.
Land Use Classification Zoning and classifying areas of the city for different purposes to promote efficient use of land.
Tax Base Protection Maintain a balanced tax base by encouraging appropriate development and managing property values.
Urban Development Protection Review and regulate urban development to ensure compatibility with the city’s overall plan.

Applications Handled by the Planning and Zoning Commission

The Planning and Zoning Commission in Roosevelt handles a variety of applications that are submitted by citizens. These applications cover different aspects of development and zoning regulations. Here are some of the key applications that the commission deals with:

1. Lot Line Adjustment

A lot line adjustment refers to the modification of property boundaries between adjacent lots. This may involve merging two or more lots or changing the shape or size of existing lots. It is important for property owners to obtain approval for lot line adjustments to ensure compliance with zoning regulations and to maintain accurate property records.

2. Master Site Plan

A master site plan is a comprehensive layout that depicts the proposed development on a particular property. It shows the arrangement of buildings, parking lots, open spaces, and other site features. The Planning and Zoning Commission reviews and approves master site plans to ensure that they conform to the zoning ordinances and are in line with the overall vision for the area.

3. Conditional Use Permit

A conditional use permit allows for the use of a property in a manner that is not typically allowed by the zoning regulations. It is granted when certain conditions are met, such as demonstrating that the proposed use will not negatively impact the surrounding area. The commission evaluates conditional use permit applications and may impose specific conditions and limitations to ensure compatibility with the neighborhood.

4. Zoning Map Amendment

A zoning map amendment involves changing the zoning designation of a particular property or area. This is done to accommodate changes in land use patterns or to address specific development needs. The commission reviews zoning map amendment applications and considers factors such as the compatibility of the proposed change with the surrounding land uses and the overall impact on the community.

5. Infrastructure Reimbursement Agreement

An infrastructure reimbursement agreement allows developers to recover a portion of the costs associated with installing or improving public infrastructure, such as roads, utilities, or parks. The commission evaluates infrastructure reimbursement agreement applications to ensure that the proposed reimbursement is fair and reasonable and that the improvements will benefit the community as a whole.

6. Subdivision Preliminary Plat

A subdivision preliminary plat is a detailed plan that outlines the layout and design of a proposed subdivision. It includes the location and dimensions of lots, streets, utilities, and other important features. The commission reviews subdivision preliminary plat applications to ensure compliance with subdivision regulations and to assess the impact of the proposed subdivision on the surrounding area.

7. Subdivision Vacation/Amendment

A subdivision vacation or amendment refers to the alteration or removal of an existing subdivision plat or the modification of its conditions. This may be necessary to address changes in land use or to correct errors or inconsistencies in the original plat. The commission reviews subdivision vacation and amendment applications to ensure that they comply with applicable regulations and do not negatively impact the surrounding area.

8. Hearing Officer Variance Request

A hearing officer variance request is a request for a variance from the zoning regulations that is reviewed and decided upon by a designated hearing officer. Variances are granted when strict application of the zoning rules would result in unnecessary hardship for the property owner. The commission oversees the hearing officer variance request process to ensure that variances are granted in a fair and consistent manner.

Application Description
Lot Line Adjustment Modification of property boundaries between adjacent lots
Master Site Plan Comprehensive layout of proposed development on a property
Conditional Use Permit Permission for a use not typically allowed by zoning regulations
Zoning Map Amendment Change in zoning designation of a property or area
Infrastructure Reimbursement Agreement Recovery of costs for public infrastructure improvements
Subdivision Preliminary Plat Detailed plan for layout and design of a proposed subdivision
Subdivision Vacation/Amendment Alteration or removal of an existing subdivision plat
Hearing Officer Variance Request Request for variance from zoning regulations

Planning and Zoning Commission Meetings and Organization

The Planning and Zoning Commission in Roosevelt holds regular meetings to discuss and make decisions on building permits, variances, and radius maps. These meetings are essential for ensuring proper oversight and adherence to regulations. The commission is composed of seven voting members who are appointed by the Mayor with advice and consent from the City Council. They come together to address matters related to land use, development, and zoning in Roosevelt City.

Chairperson and Vice Chairperson

Within the Planning and Zoning Commission, a chairperson and vice chairperson are selected from the members. The chairperson takes on the responsibility of leading the meetings, maintaining order, and ensuring that accurate meeting minutes are kept and approved. The vice chairperson supports the chairperson and may assume their duties in their absence. The chairperson and vice chairperson can serve consecutive terms, bringing continuity and expertise to the commission.

Rules and Regulations

The Planning and Zoning Commission establishes rules and regulations to govern its proceedings. These rules outline the procedures for submitting applications, presenting proposals, and conducting hearings. They provide a framework for fair and transparent decision-making. By adhering to these rules and regulations, the commission ensures that all parties involved have an equal opportunity to present their cases and that the decisions made are based on the best interests of the community.

Accurate Meeting Minutes

Accurate meeting minutes are crucial for documenting the discussions, decisions, and actions taken during Planning and Zoning Commission meetings. These minutes serve as an official record of the proceedings and provide transparency to the public. They capture the key points raised during the meetings, including any concerns, questions, or recommendations from the commissioners and the public in attendance. The accurate recording of meeting minutes is essential for upholding accountability and integrity within the commission.

Date Agenda Minutes
October 5, 2022 Agenda Minutes
September 20, 2022 Agenda Minutes
August 15, 2022 Agenda Minutes

Special Southern Roosevelt Island District Objectives

The Special Southern Roosevelt Island District has specific objectives that aim to promote and protect public health, safety, and the general welfare of Roosevelt Island. These objectives are designed to create a sustainable and thriving community that offers a diverse range of amenities and opportunities for residents and visitors alike.

Objective 1: Academic and Research Development Campus

One of the main objectives of the Special Southern Roosevelt Island District is to establish an academic and research development campus. This campus will provide a hub for innovation, collaboration, and knowledge exchange, attracting top-tier educational institutions and research organizations. The goal is to create a rich intellectual environment that fosters technological advancements and economic growth.

Objective 2: Residential and Commercial Mix

The district aims to achieve a well-balanced mix of residential and commercial properties. This approach ensures that the community can meet the needs of its residents while also providing a vibrant business environment. By offering a variety of housing options, including affordable housing, the district can cater to a diverse population and support a thriving local economy.

Objective 3: Publicly Accessible Open Areas

Creating publicly accessible open areas is another objective of the Special Southern Roosevelt Island District. These open spaces, such as parks, plazas, and waterfront areas, will enhance the quality of life for residents and visitors. They provide opportunities for recreation, relaxation, and community gatherings, contributing to the overall well-being of the district.

Objective 4: Visual and Physical Connections

The district aims to establish visual and physical connections that enhance the connectivity of the community. This includes creating pedestrian-friendly streetscapes, bike lanes, and public transportation options. By prioritizing walkability and accessibility, the district creates a cohesive and connected environment where residents can easily navigate and access amenities.

Objective 5: Alternative Forms of Transportation

Promoting alternative forms of transportation is a key objective of the Special Southern Roosevelt Island District. This includes supporting initiatives for electric vehicles, bike-sharing programs, and improved public transportation infrastructure. By reducing reliance on private cars, the district can minimize traffic congestion, lower carbon emissions, and create a more sustainable transportation system.

Objective 6: Architectural Design Flexibility

The district aims to provide architectural design flexibility to encourage innovative and sustainable building practices. This includes promoting energy-efficient designs, incorporating green spaces, and utilizing environmentally friendly materials. The goal is to create a visually appealing and environmentally conscious urban environment that enhances the overall aesthetic and functionality of the district.

Objective 7: Land Use Conservation

Conserving land use is a priority within the Special Southern Roosevelt Island District. By implementing smart growth principles and sustainable land management practices, the district seeks to preserve natural resources, protect wildlife habitats, and minimize urban sprawl. This approach ensures the long-term sustainability and resilience of the district for future generations.

Regulations and Maps of the Special Southern Roosevelt Island District

The Special Southern Roosevelt Island District is subject to specific regulations and guidelines that govern the development and land use within the district. These regulations aim to ensure the preservation of public health, safety, and welfare, while also promoting the unique characteristics and objectives of the district.

One key aspect of the regulations is the focus on academic and research facilities within the district. This includes provisions for the development and expansion of educational institutions, research centers, and innovation hubs. These facilities play a crucial role in fostering knowledge creation, technological advancements, and economic growth in Roosevelt Island.

Residential development within the Special Southern Roosevelt Island District is guided by specific floor area ratios, open space ratios, and maximum lot coverage limits. These regulations are intended to maintain a balance between urban development and the preservation of green spaces and public access areas.

Height and Setback Regulations

Another important aspect of the regulations relates to height and setback requirements for buildings within the district. These regulations help maintain visual and physical connections between different parts of the district while also ensuring a harmonious integration with the surrounding environment.

Building Separations

The Special Southern Roosevelt Island District also emphasizes the importance of building separations. These regulations ensure that there is adequate spacing between structures to maintain privacy, access to sunlight, and create a visually appealing urban landscape.

The regulations and guidelines within the Special Southern Roosevelt Island District are aimed at creating a vibrant and sustainable community that balances academic and research advancements with residential and commercial needs. By adhering to these regulations, developers and property owners can contribute to the long-term growth and success of Roosevelt Island.

Regulations Guidelines
Academic and Research Facilities Encourages the development and expansion of educational and research institutions within the district.
Residential Floor Area Ratio Specifies the allowable floor area relative to the size of the residential lot.
Open Space Ratio Maintains a minimum amount of green space and ensures access to publicly accessible open areas.
Maximum Lot Coverage Limits the portion of the lot that can be occupied by buildings.
Height and Setback Regulations Prescribes the maximum height of structures and their distance from property lines and other buildings.
Building Separations Defines the required minimum distance between buildings to ensure privacy and sunlight access.


If you’re navigating the world of building permits, variances, and radius maps in Roosevelt, look no further than TracisPermits.com. Our dedicated team provides fast and efficient service to help you obtain the necessary permits and documents quickly.

Whether you’re embarking on a construction project or developing a property, TracisPermits.com can assist you in meeting all the necessary requirements. Our expertise and knowledge in Roosevelt real estate regulations make the process seamless and hassle-free.

Don’t waste time and energy trying to figure it all out on your own. With TracisPermits.com, you can rely on our professional services to navigate the complex world of building permits, variances, and radius maps in Roosevelt. Contact us today at 631-492-0927 or visit TracisPermits.com.


What types of applications does the Planning and Zoning Commission in Roosevelt handle?

The Planning and Zoning Commission in Roosevelt handles applications such as lot line adjustments, master site plans, conditional use permits, zoning map amendments, and more.

How can I meet with the Planning and Zoning Board in Roosevelt?

Any citizen looking to meet with the Planning and Zoning Board must submit an application 14 days prior to the requested meeting date.

What are the objectives of the Special Southern Roosevelt Island District?

The objectives of the Special Southern Roosevelt Island District include promoting and protecting public health, safety, and general welfare on Roosevelt Island, as well as creating a residential and commercial mix, preserving land use conservation, and facilitating alternative forms of transportation.

What are the regulations and guidelines of the Special Southern Roosevelt Island District?

The regulations of the Special Southern Roosevelt Island District include provisions such as academic and research facilities, residential floor area ratio, open space ratio, maximum lot coverage, height and setback regulations, and building separations.

How can I navigate building permits, variances, and radius maps in Roosevelt?

TracisPermits.com can assist in meeting all the necessary requirements for building permits, variances, and radius maps in Roosevelt. They provide fast service and help obtain the necessary permits and documents quickly. For more information, call 631-492-0927 or visit TracisPermits.com.

By |2024-03-29T16:41:40+00:00December 7th, 2023|Nassau County|Comments Off on Roosevelt: Building Permits | Variances | Radius Maps

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