
Long Beach Shed Code Guidelines & Regulations

Long Beach Shed Code Guidelines & Regulations

The City of Long Beach has specific regulations in place regarding the construction and use of sheds. These regulations govern the location, size, height, and other factors related to sheds in the city. It is important for residents and contractors to be aware of these guidelines in order to ensure compliance with the city’s shed code. Failure to comply with the shed code may result in penalties or the need to modify or remove the shed.

Key Takeaways:

  • The City of Long Beach has regulations in place for sheds to maintain compliance with zoning and building standards.
  • It is crucial for property owners and contractors to understand and adhere to the shed code to avoid penalties and conflicts with the city.
  • Traci’s Permits offers specialized expertise and assistance with shed permits in Long Beach, ensuring a smooth permit journey and timely approvals.
  • For expert permit assistance and guidance, contact Traci’s Permits at 631-492-0927.
  • Trust Traci’s Permits for hassle-free shed permit assistance in Long Beach.

Applicability of Zoning Regulations in Long Beach

Zoning regulations play a crucial role in shaping the development of Long Beach. These regulations apply to all structures and land uses within the city, ensuring orderly growth and preserving the desired character of each district. It is essential for property owners and developers to understand and comply with the zoning regulations to avoid penalties and conflicts with the city.

In accordance with Long Beach’s zoning regulations, it is unlawful to locate, construct, or alter any building or structure without adhering to the regulations specific to the district in which the project is located. The regulations outline requirements for setback distances, building heights, lot coverage, and permitted uses, among other factors.

Compliance with zoning regulations is critical to maintaining the integrity of each district and promoting harmonious development throughout the city. Failure to comply can result in legal issues that may lead to costly modifications or even the removal of non-compliant structures.

Proper knowledge and understanding of Long Beach’s zoning regulations are essential for property owners and developers to navigate the planning and construction process smoothly. By adhering to these regulations, you can ensure compliance and create a space that aligns with the vision of the city.

Benefits of Zoning Compliance in Long Beach Penalties for Non-Compliance
1. Ensures orderly and sustainable development 1. Fines and citations
2. Maintains the character and aesthetics of each district 2. Mandatory modifications or removal of non-compliant structures
3. Promotes the safety and well-being of residents 3. Delays and additional costs due to legal action

By complying with Long Beach’s zoning regulations, property owners and developers contribute to the overall livability and sustainability of the city. It ensures that buildings and structures are constructed in a manner that aligns with the city’s vision.

Traci’s Permits offers unmatched expertise in navigating the zoning regulations of Long Beach and securing necessary permits. Our team ensures timely approvals and code compliance, making your construction process hassle-free. For expert permit assistance and guidance, call us at 631-492-0927. Trust Traci’s Permits for a smooth permit journey.

Open Space Requirements for Sheds

In order to comply with the zoning regulations of Long Beach, sheds and other buildings must adhere to certain open space requirements. It is imperative to have a designated amount of open space surrounding the shed, and this space cannot be reduced or encroached upon by any other structures. Additionally, decks and patios constructed in the vicinity of the shed should not exceed one foot above ground level. Failure to meet these open space requirements may result in non-compliance with the city’s shed code.

When planning the location and design of your shed in Long Beach, it is crucial to take into account these open space requirements. By ensuring proper open space around the shed, you are not only complying with the city’s regulations but also enhancing the aesthetics and functionality of your property.

Open Space Regulations:

Requirement Description
Open space surrounding the shed A specific amount of open space must be maintained around the shed, as specified by the city’s shed code.
No reduction or intrusion The open space provided cannot be reduced or used by any other buildings or structures.
Decks and patios Decks and patios constructed outside the building area must not exceed one foot above ground level.

By carefully considering the open space requirements for sheds in Long Beach, you can ensure compliance with the city’s shed code and create a well-designed and harmonious outdoor space.

Requirements for Accessory Buildings in Long Beach

Accessory buildings, such as sheds, in Long Beach are subject to specific requirements as outlined by the city’s accessory building regulations. It is important to understand and comply with these regulations when planning for the construction of an accessory building on your property.

Location Restrictions

According to the Long Beach regulations, accessory buildings cannot be located in any required front yard. However, there is an exception for swimming pools in properties adjacent to the ocean, bay, or lagoon. These pools must still comply with other zoning ordinances and setback requirements.

Height Restrictions

When it comes to height, accessory buildings in Long Beach must not exceed one story or 15 feet in total height at the ridge. The sidewalls of the building should not exceed 10 feet in height. If the building does not have a ridge with a straight roof slope to the sidewalls, the maximum height is 10 feet.

Living Quarters

It is important to note that any loft area in an accessory building or garage should not be used for living quarters. The regulations require that accessory buildings be used for their intended purposes and not for habitation.

Complying with these requirements will ensure that your accessory building in Long Beach is in accordance with the city’s regulations. This not only helps maintain the aesthetic integrity of the community but also avoids potential penalties or conflicts with the city.

Regulations Requirements
Location Cannot be in a required front yard, except for swimming pools in properties adjacent to the ocean, bay, or lagoon.
Height Max one story or 15 feet at the ridge, with sidewalls not exceeding 10 feet. Max 10 feet if no ridge with straight roof slope to sidewalls.
Living Quarters Loft areas should not be used for living quarters.

For expert permit assistance and guidance through the shed code process, rely on Traci’s Permits. We offer specialized expertise and a smooth permit journey. Contact us at 631-492-0927 for professional guidance and timely approvals. Trust Traci’s Permits for hassle-free shed permit assistance in Long Beach.

Exceptions to Accessory Building Regulations

In Long Beach, there are exceptions to the regulations that govern accessory buildings. These exceptions allow property owners to have some flexibility while still adhering to the overall integrity of the zoning regulations. Two specific exceptions exist for accessory buildings: outside shower units and outdoor kitchen structures.

Outside Shower Units

Long Beach allows for the exemption of one outside shower unit of typical design from lot coverage provisions. These shower units must not exceed 32 square feet in size. This exemption provides property owners with the opportunity to have a convenient outdoor shower without it impacting the lot coverage requirements.

Outdoor Kitchen Structures

Another exception to the accessory building regulations in Long Beach involves outdoor kitchen structures. These structures must not exceed 3% of the total lot area on which they are located. This exception allows property owners to have outdoor kitchen facilities while ensuring that they do not overwhelm the available space on the lot.

These exceptions to the accessory building regulations provide property owners with additional options and flexibility when it comes to constructing their sheds. Whether it’s adding an outdoor shower or creating an outdoor kitchen, these exceptions allow for personalization and customization while still complying with the city’s zoning regulations.

Exception Limitations Benefits
Outside Shower Units Not exceeding 32 sq ft Convenient outdoor shower
Outdoor Kitchen Structures Not exceeding 3% of the total lot area Ability to have outdoor kitchen facilities

These exceptions allow property owners to enhance their outdoor spaces and add valuable features to their properties while still maintaining compliance with zoning regulations. The City of Long Beach recognizes the importance of balancing regulations with the desires and needs of property owners, and these exceptions are a testament to that commitment.

Vision Clearance on Corner Lots

Long Beach has specific regulations regarding vision clearance on corner lots. A site triangle must be established at the point of intersection of two streets or easements, and no structures, fences, signs, or other obstructions higher than two feet six inches above established grade at the center line of the intersecting streets are permitted. This regulation ensures clear visibility at intersections and promotes safety for drivers and pedestrians.

In order to maintain visibility and prevent accidents, Long Beach imposes strict regulations on corner lots. These regulations require the creation of a site triangle at the intersection of two streets or easements. Within this triangle, no structures, fences, signs, or other obstructions that exceed a height of two feet six inches above the established grade at the center line of the intersecting streets are allowed.

Complying with these vision clearance regulations is crucial for ensuring the safety of both motorists and pedestrians. By maintaining clear sightlines at intersections, the risk of accidents can be significantly reduced. It is important for property owners on corner lots to be aware of these regulations and avoid any obstructions that could obstruct visibility.

Whether you are planning to construct a shed or any other structure on your corner lot, it is vital to adhere to the vision clearance regulations set forth by Long Beach. Failing to do so not only puts your property at risk of penalties but also compromises the safety of the community.

Traci’s Permits offers expert permit assistance to navigate the complexities of Long Beach’s vision clearance regulations and ensure compliance with the code. Our team of professionals has the knowledge and experience to guide you through the permit process smoothly and efficiently.

For hassle-free permit assistance and timely approvals, trust Traci’s Permits. Contact us at 631-492-0927 to learn more about how we can help you with your permit needs.

Regulations for Public Rights-of-Way

In Long Beach, the use and maintenance of public rights-of-way are governed by specific regulations. It is important to adhere to these regulations to ensure the proper functioning and safety of these areas.

Structures of any kind are strictly prohibited within public rights-of-way. This includes sheds, as well as the placement of trash bins, garbage bins, and any vegetation that obstructs directional or traffic signs.

Property owners have the responsibility to maintain vegetation within the public right-of-way in a way that does not obscure vision lines or intrude upon the paved portion of the area.

Certain improvements, however, may be permitted in specific areas within the public right-of-way. These include curbs, sidewalks, grass, stones, and pavers, which can enhance the aesthetics and functionality of these spaces.

Proper adherence to the regulations for public rights-of-way in Long Beach helps maintain clear and safe pathways for everyone. By ensuring that structures and vegetation do not obstruct these areas, we contribute to the overall well-being and accessibility of the community.


Understanding and complying with the shed code in Long Beach is essential for property owners and contractors. The regulations outlined by the City of Long Beach govern the location, size, height, and other aspects of shed construction, ensuring that developments adhere to zoning and building standards.

By adhering to the shed code, residents can avoid penalties and conflicts with the city, while also promoting the safety and aesthetics of the community. It is crucial to be aware of the specific requirements set forth by the city when planning and building a shed in Long Beach.

For expert permit assistance and guidance through the shed code process, Traci’s Permits offers unmatched expertise and a smooth permit journey. With our specialized knowledge and experience, we can ensure timely approvals and code compliance for hassle-free shed construction. Contact Traci’s Permits at 631-492-0927 for professional guidance and assistance. Trust us to navigate the shed permit process in Long Beach efficiently and effectively.


What are the shed code regulations in Long Beach?

The shed code regulations in Long Beach govern the location, size, height, and other factors related to sheds. These regulations ensure compliance with the city’s zoning and building standards.

What happens if I don’t comply with the shed code in Long Beach?

Failure to comply with the shed code in Long Beach may result in penalties or the need to modify or remove the shed to meet the city’s regulations.

Can I build a shed in any location in Long Beach?

No, the shed cannot be located in any required front yard, except for swimming pools in properties adjacent to the ocean, bay, or lagoon, as long as they comply with other zoning ordinances and setback requirements.

Are there height restrictions for sheds in Long Beach?

Yes, the total height of the shed, including the ridge and sidewalls, must not exceed 15 feet. If the shed doesn’t have a ridge with a straight roof slope, the maximum height is 10 feet.

Are there any exceptions to the shed regulations in Long Beach?

Yes, there are certain exceptions. For example, one outside shower unit of typical design, not exceeding 32 square feet, is exempt from lot coverage provisions. Outdoor kitchen structures must not exceed 3% of the total lot area.

What are the vision clearance regulations for sheds on corner lots in Long Beach?

Structures, fences, signs, or other obstructions higher than two feet six inches above established grade at the center line of intersecting streets are not permitted to ensure clear visibility at intersections.

Can I place structures within the public right-of-way?

No, structures of any kind, including sheds, are prohibited within the public right-of-way. Trash bins, garbage bins, and vegetation that obstructs directional or traffic signs are also not permitted.

Who is responsible for maintaining the vegetation in the public right-of-way?

Property owners are responsible for maintaining vegetation that does not obscure vision lines or intrude upon the paved portion of the public right-of-way.

By |2024-06-09T18:16:31+00:00December 13th, 2023|Nassau County|Comments Off on Long Beach Shed Code Guidelines & Regulations

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