
Great Neck Estates: Building Permits | Variances | Radius Maps | Certificate of Occupancy

Great Neck Estates: Building Permits | Variances | Radius Maps | Certificate of Occupancy

In the Village of Great Neck Estates, obtaining building permits, variances, radius maps, and Certificates of Occupancy is a crucial process for any construction or renovation project. The village strictly adheres to building codes and regulations set by the state of New York, ensuring safety and compliance.

All construction plans must be prepared by licensed architects or engineers and submitted for review and approval by the Building Department. Licensed contractors are required to carry out the construction work, and regular inspections by the Building Department are necessary to ensure code compliance. A Certificate of Occupancy or Completion is then issued to demonstrate that the construction project meets all requirements and is considered safe.

For all your building permit needs in Great Neck Estates, trust the experts at TracisPermits.com. With their fast and reliable service, you can get building permits, variances, radius maps, and Certificates of Occupancy quickly on Long Island. Call 631-492-0927 today to get started!

Key Takeaways:

  • Obtaining building permits, variances, radius maps, and Certificates of Occupancy is essential in Great Neck Estates for construction projects.
  • The Building Department enforces building codes and regulations and ensures compliance.
  • Construction plans must be prepared by licensed architects or engineers and approved by the Building Department.
  • Inspections by the Building Department are required to ensure code compliance.
  • A Certificate of Occupancy or Completion demonstrates that a construction project meets safety requirements.

Building Department and Code Officials in Great Neck Estates

The Building Department in Great Neck Estates plays a crucial role in ensuring compliance with building codes and regulations. Led by Superintendent of Buildings Michael Sweeney, the department works diligently to maintain safety and uphold property values within the village. Assisting Superintendent Sweeney is Code Enforcement officer Christopher DeGiso, who helps enforce the codes and regulations set by the state of New York.

Alongside Superintendent Sweeney and Code Enforcement officer DeGiso, the Building Department is also supported by other key officials. Barbara Dziorney serves as the Building Inspector, responsible for reviewing construction plans and conducting inspections to ensure adherence to regulations. Michael Bogart, on the other hand, is the Safety Inspector, ensuring that all construction projects meet the required safety standards.

With their extensive knowledge and experience, these officials work together to enforce the building codes and regulations in Great Neck Estates. They ensure that all structures within the village comply with the set standards, promoting safety and maintaining the aesthetic appeal of the community.

For any inquiries regarding building permits, variances, or other construction-related matters, the Great Neck Estates Building Department can be contacted using the following information:

Superintendent of Buildings Michael Sweeney Email MSweeney@Greatneckvillage.org Phone (516) 482-2000 ext 111
Code Enforcement officer Christopher DeGiso Email Cdegiso@greatneckvillage.org Phone (516) 482-0019 ext 113

Important terms and definitions:

  • Applicant: The owner, contract vendee, or lessee of real property.
  • Habit: The natural growing characteristics of any tree, including spread and height.
  • Person: Individuals, organizations, or entities involved in property development.
  • Real Property: All unimproved or improved property within Great Neck Estates.
  • Root Area: The entire root system and its environment, measured from the tree trunk.
  • Substantial Alteration: Cutting or pruning that impairs a tree’s life or symmetry.
  • Tree: Living woody plants with a diameter of six inches or more at a specific height.
  • Village Official: The designated Code Official or Building Inspector.

Zoning Regulations and Requirements in Great Neck Estates

Great Neck Estates, like any other village, has specific zoning regulations in place to ensure orderly development and preserve the character of the community. These regulations outline the requirements for different zones within the village, including setback distances from property lines and restrictions on certain types of construction. It is essential for property owners and contractors to familiarize themselves with these regulations before undertaking any construction or renovation projects.

Residential Zones

In the residential zones of Great Neck Estates, the primary use of land is for single-family homes. Zoning regulations dictate the minimum lot size, building size, and setbacks to maintain a harmonious streetscape. These regulations ensure that new constructions fit within the existing neighborhood and do not compromise privacy or safety. Additionally, the village may have restrictions on the height and architectural style of buildings to maintain the village’s aesthetic appeal.

Commercial and Mixed-Use Zones

Great Neck Estates also has designated areas for commercial and mixed-use developments. These zones allow for businesses, shops, restaurants, and other commercial activities. Zoning regulations may specify the types of businesses allowed and may also include parking requirements to ensure adequate spaces for customers and employees. The village aims to strike a balance between economic development and maintaining a high quality of life for residents.

Special Permits and Variances

In some cases, property owners may need to obtain special permits or variances to deviate from the standard zoning regulations. This could be necessary if a proposed project does not meet the specific requirements of the zone. Special permits and variances are typically obtained through an application process, which may involve presenting the project to the Zoning Board of Appeals or Planning Board. It is important to note that obtaining these permits or variances is subject to review and approval by the village.

Zoning Map

Great Neck Estates has a zoning map that outlines the different zones within the village and provides information on the specific regulations for each zone. Property owners can consult this map to determine the zoning classification of their property and the corresponding requirements for their intended projects. The zoning map is an essential tool for understanding and complying with the village’s zoning regulations.

Understanding and adhering to the zoning regulations in Great Neck Estates is crucial for property owners and contractors to ensure compliance with the village’s requirements. By following these regulations, we can contribute to maintaining the village’s unique character and quality of life.

Generator Installation in Great Neck Estates

Great Neck Estates residents can ensure uninterrupted power supply during outages by installing automatic standby generators. The process for generator installation in the village involves a few key steps and considerations.

To begin the installation process, residents must complete a permit application with the Great Neck Estates Building Department. The application should include a sketch plan that clearly shows the proposed location of the generator on the property. The Building Department requires a permit fee of $200 for generator installations.

When installing a generator, it is crucial to comply with the village’s zoning regulations. Pay attention to setback requirements, ensuring that the generator is placed at an appropriate distance from property lines. Safety procedures mandated by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the National Electrical Code (NEC) must also be followed.

Generator Installation Process:

  1. Complete a permit application with the Great Neck Estates Building Department.
  2. Include a sketch plan showing the proposed location of the generator.
  3. Pay the required permit fee of $200.
  4. Ensure compliance with zoning regulations for setback distances.
  5. Follow safety procedures mandated by the NFPA and NEC.

By following these steps and adhering to the village’s regulations, residents can successfully install generators on their properties and enjoy a reliable power supply during emergencies.

Generator Installation Process
1. Complete a permit application
2. Include a sketch plan
3. Pay the permit fee
4. Comply with zoning regulations
5. Follow safety procedures

Installing a generator in Great Neck Estates provides peace of mind and ensures that residents can maintain power during unexpected outages. By following the proper procedures and guidelines set by the Building Department, residents can enjoy a reliable backup power source to meet their household needs.

Tree Preservation and Alteration Regulations

The Village of Great Neck Estates has implemented strict regulations to protect trees and preserve the natural environment. These regulations aim to maintain the balance between development and preserving the aesthetic beauty of the village. It is essential for residents and property owners to be aware of these regulations when planning any construction or alteration projects that may impact trees.

The preservation of trees is a top priority in Great Neck Estates. Substantial alteration of trees that impairs their life or symmetry, such as heavy pruning or cutting of top branches, is generally prohibited. The root area of a tree, as well as its habit, must be preserved to ensure the health and longevity of the tree. Any tree on real property with a diameter of six inches or more is considered a protected tree and is subject to these regulations.

Tree Preservation Guidelines

When undertaking construction or alteration projects near protected trees, property owners must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Avoid any activities that may damage the root area of protected trees, such as excavation, compaction, or the placement of heavy equipment.
  • Ensure that the habit of protected trees, including their spread and height, is preserved.
  • Consult with a certified arborist or tree specialist to determine the best practices for tree preservation during construction.
  • Obtain the necessary permits and approvals from the Great Neck Estates Building Department before initiating any construction or alteration projects that may impact protected trees.

By following these guidelines, property owners can help maintain the natural beauty of Great Neck Estates while still pursuing necessary construction or alteration projects.

Contact Information for the Great Neck Estates Building Department

For any inquiries regarding building permits, variances, or other construction-related matters in Great Neck Estates, please contact the Building Department. The department is led by Superintendent of Buildings Michael Sweeney and Code Enforcement officer Christopher DeGiso, who can provide assistance and guidance.

To get in touch with the Building Department, you can reach out to the following individuals:

Name Email Phone
Michael Sweeney MSweeney@Greatneckvillage.org (516) 482-2000 ext 111
Christopher DeGiso Cdegiso@greatneckvillage.org (516) 482-0019 ext 113

Whether you have questions about the permit application process, need clarification on zoning regulations, or require assistance with any construction-related matter, the Building Department is here to help. Reach out to them for efficient and reliable service in Great Neck Estates.

Important Terms and Definitions

To truly understand the regulations and requirements in Great Neck Estates, it is essential to be familiar with certain terms and definitions. Here are some key terms to know:


The owner, contract vendee, or lessee of real property.


The natural growing characteristics of any tree, including spread and height.


Individuals, organizations, or entities involved in property development.

Real Property:

All unimproved or improved property within Great Neck Estates.

Root Area:

The entire root system and its environment, measured from the tree trunk.

Substantial Alteration:

Cutting or pruning that impairs a tree’s life or symmetry.


Living woody plants with a diameter of six inches or more at a specific height.

Village Official:

The designated Code Official or Building Inspector.

Understanding these terms will help navigate the regulations and requirements set forth by the Village of Great Neck Estates, ensuring compliance and promoting a safe environment.


In Great Neck Estates, ensuring safety and compliance with building codes and regulations is a top priority. Whether you need building permits, variances, radius maps, or Certificates of Occupancy, the process is efficient and streamlined. The Building Department, led by Superintendent of Buildings Michael Sweeney and Code Enforcement officer Christopher DeGiso, is dedicated to upholding the highest standards.

Tree preservation is also a key concern in Great Neck Estates. The village has regulations in place to protect trees, promoting a healthy and beautiful environment. By following these regulations, residents contribute to the preservation of the village’s natural landscape and its unique character.

Additionally, residents are encouraged to consider installing standby generators to ensure uninterrupted power supply during outages. The village provides a clear process for generator installation, including permit applications and compliance with zoning regulations. By taking these steps, residents can have peace of mind and be prepared for any situation.

For more information or assistance with building permits, variances, or any construction-related matters, contact the Great Neck Estates Building Department. With their expertise and dedication, they will provide the guidance you need to navigate the regulations and successfully complete your project.


What is the process for obtaining a building permit in Great Neck Estates?

To obtain a building permit in Great Neck Estates, you must submit construction plans prepared by licensed architects or engineers to the Building Department for review and approval. The construction work must be performed by licensed contractors, and inspections by the Building Department are required. A Certificate of Occupancy or Completion is necessary to demonstrate compliance with all requirements.

Who are the officials in charge of enforcing building codes in Great Neck Estates?

The Building Department in Great Neck Estates is led by Superintendent of Buildings Michael Sweeney and Code Enforcement officer Christopher DeGiso. Barbara Dziorney serves as the Building Inspector, while Michael Bogart is the Safety Inspector. These officials ensure compliance with building codes and regulations and maintain property values.

What are the zoning regulations in Great Neck Estates?

Great Neck Estates has specific zoning regulations for different zones within the village. These regulations determine the requirements for various construction projects, including setback distances from property lines. The zoning map can be consulted to determine the specific requirements for each zone. Approval from the Zoning Board of Appeals or Planning Board may be required for certain projects, with an initial deposit for these applications.

How can I install a standby generator in Great Neck Estates?

To install a standby generator in Great Neck Estates, you must complete a permit application and provide a sketch plan showing the location on your property. A permit fee of $200 is required, and the installation must comply with the village’s zoning regulations, as well as safety procedures mandated by NFPA and NEC.

What are the regulations for tree preservation in Great Neck Estates?

Great Neck Estates has regulations in place to protect trees. Substantial alteration of a tree that impairs its life or symmetry, such as heavy pruning or cutting of top branches, is generally not allowed. The root area and habit of a tree must be preserved. Trees with a diameter of six inches or more are considered protected trees.

How can I contact the Great Neck Estates Building Department?

For inquiries regarding building permits, variances, or other construction-related matters, you can contact the Great Neck Estates Building Department. Michael Sweeney, the Superintendent of Buildings, can be reached at MSweeney@Greatneckvillage.org or (516) 482-2000 ext 111. Christopher DeGiso, the Code Enforcement officer, can be reached at Cdegiso@greatneckvillage.org or (516) 482-0019 ext 113.

What are some important terms and definitions related to building regulations in Great Neck Estates?

To understand the regulations and requirements in Great Neck Estates, it’s important to be familiar with certain terms and definitions. These include Applicant, Habit, Person, Real Property, Root Area, Substantial Alteration, Tree, and Village Official. These terms clarify various aspects of the building regulations and processes within the village.

By |2023-12-10T17:36:02+00:00December 7th, 2023|Nassau County|Comments Off on Great Neck Estates: Building Permits | Variances | Radius Maps | Certificate of Occupancy

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